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Mankind is not the only intelligent species in this galaxy, and neither are we the only humanoid civilisation. Even within our immediate galactic neighbourhood, .... The Finale of Alien Winter! We're Drawing Our Reptilian Overlords! So up until now we've been dealing with relatively peaceable visitors… now come the .... The idea of children being abducted by reptilian aliens may seem far fetched but to a believer it is anything but far fetched. The origin of the Draconians varies from .... Mar 11, 2021 — The main humanoid races were committed to the Law of One and Service to Others krystic ideology. The opposing groups were mixtures of .... Confident (not all) 4. Appearances can be deceiving, and Lyran starseeds are more identifiable by their inner characteristics than the superficial way they appear .... THE US Navy has been fighting a secret space war against evil reptilian aliens hell bent on invading planet Earth, a new book has sensationally claimed.. Apr 22, 2021 — The Andromeda Council representative states in his ExopoliticsTV interview that the forces of the 4 th dimensional Orion grey and Draco reptilian .... Jun 3, 2014 — Now back to the main discussion: The most important humanoid civilizations can be found in the star systems of Lyra, Vega, Sirius, Orion, the .... One of the first non-humanoid races they came across was the Reptilian race that had its home in the Draco constellation. orion wars reptilians. Nobody is really .... Mar 22, 2011 — The war-like masses of planet Earth, who were considered a potential ... by Draconian forces, wage a desperate war against Reptilian and Grey forces. ... forced out of their former home-world in Rigel during the Orion wars.. LYRAN - Supposing that the human inhabitants of Lyra (who are said to have a common origin as that of earth people) were driven out of that system hundreds or .... THE US Navy has been fighting a secret space war against evil reptilian aliens hell bent on invading planet Earth, a new book has sensationally claimed.. Paa Tal Orion's Wars lyrics & video : [Verse] What was the oldest war In the universe? Eons ago, there was a planet called Bila Reptilians came from Alpha .... Apr 30, 2018 — A new paper entitled “The Silurian Hypothesis" posits that an ancient technological civilization could have existed on Earth millions of years .... Post a Comment. Subscribe To Posts Atom. Comments Atom. How's this blog. READ MOREREAD MORE · Xiao zhan social media .... The Greys only came much later. After the Draconian Reptilians had attacked the Lyran home worlds, the Lyrans in the Orion colonies retaliated by attacking .... Of course, the Draconian Reptilians responded. Summary of Galactic History The Orion Wars May 19, 2020 · The Lyran Wars are the very first seed of anti-Christ .... It could well have been that some of the others went to war with this reptilian. Anunnaki. Ancient texts record these 'wars of the gods' all over the world and these.. The historical accounts of the Lyran-Draconian Wars, the Draconians from Draco, and the consequent impacts these wars had on the Lyran system and the .... Dec 22, 2016 — Jane Stern follows the ins and outs of David Icke's longstanding theory that Reptilians control the Earth.. Feb 5, 2021 — The Greys only came much later. After the Draconian Reptilians had attacked the Lyran home worlds, the Lyrans in the Orion colonies retaliated .... Sep 7, 2020 — Share your videos with friends, family, and the world.. Jun 14, 2021 — Listen to Orion Earth Take Over Reptilian War Machine Uranus Channeling and 634 more episodes by Ivan Teller, free! No signup or install .... the lyran wars orion wars history orion wars reptilians pleiadian galactic war lyran aliens seeded black race maldekians species orion wars lyrians .... Nashville bomber's bizarre writings reveal belief in aliens and lizard people. A man who knew ... 02 - Draconians Orion Wars Reptilian Assimilation of Planets .... There are humanoids, cetaceans and humanoid-reptilians from the stars in this constellation, the home of the Orion Wars (which Star Wars is said to describe).. Apr 10, 2018 — Orion's Wars by Paa Tal, released 10 April 2018 [Verse] What was the oldest war in the universe? Eons ago, there was a planet called Bila .... Allegedly, over 20 million years ago, there was a galactic war in which several star systems in Orion were the main battlefields.. Jul 24, 2019 — 11 votes, 12 comments. Lately been searching for information about Orion star seeds rather than general characteristics of what star seeds are .... To the authors of Archaeology, Anthropology, and Interstellar Communication, I especially appreciate the innovation and depth of the research they share here.. Apr 27, 2018 — [Verse] What was the oldest war. In the universe? Eons ago, there was a planet called Bila Reptilians came from Alpha Draconis And saw how .... Earth gains a measure of stability during the Orion Wars. Emboldened by the ousting of most Bactarans from the asteroid belt, many civilians begin to take to the .... ... by Vlad Dracula and his dragon/reptilians, is most often called the Orion Wars. Those who were descended upon by the Draconian reptilians lost their freedom .... Private Sessions / Questions / Learn to Channel Ivan Teller Services Overview Book A Private Session .... Oct 1, 2020 — William Cooper's book "Behold a Pale Horse" was published in 1991. Since then the ideas he covered have found their way into QAnon and .... Darker-Skinned Lyrans. There was one other group, a humanoid type that is more rare, but it has had … Birdlike Lyran Subgroup. Yes. They might look similar in .... Jan 25, 2015 — 1. The war in space is over.ET COUNCIL: WAR WITH GREY-DRACOREPTILIAN ETs IS WON.No False Flag ET .... against humans, and also a war against the Reptilians, the Lower Light, and the ... Alnilam in Orion's Belt, it eventually spread out across the Orion Constellation .... The reptilians were conceiting to rule Nebadon as its local “gods,” meanwhile ... Universe as a result of Lyran and Orion Wars by the reptilian negative aliens, .... During the Galactic wars the Dark Alliance was mostly made up of the Reptilian Races that originally came from the constellations of Draco and Orion that greedily .... During the Galactic wars the Dark Alliance was mostly made up of the Reptilian Races that originally came from the constellations of Draco and Orion that .... Jun 13, 2021 — Stream Orion Earth Take Over Reptilian War Machine Uranus Channeling by Ivan Teller on desktop and mobile. Play over 265 million tracks for .... Believe it or not 12 million Americans believe the government is run by “​Reptilians” or reptile aliens from another star system. They are here to help us, or not: .... The energy stirred up by the Orion Wars began to lower the vibrational frequency of the Pleiades and the Draconian Reptilians who were already immersed in .... Aug 30, 2017 — The priorities of some of these races have shifted over time too, largely due to the influence of the still flourishing reptilian race, the Draco, who's .... Read Alien World Order by Len Kasten with a free trial. Read millions of eBooks and audiobooks on the web, iPad, iPhone and Android.. Nov 28, 2000 — In 1976, Robert Temple made news with a Sirius B mystery of another sort. In his book, The Sirius Mystery, he speculated that Earth had been .... This is the first in a series of news stories by Alfred Webre interviewing Tolec, the human Andromeda Council representative. It is a formal introduction to t…. Apr 30, 2021 — And this jungle world was indeed a harsh environment to survive in. The experiment started with this ancient reptilian race whom have been .... In an interview with Aquarian Radio, Former Air Force radar trafficking operator Niara Terela Isley claims she was abducted by aliens.. Homo Sapiens. Deemed intergalactically as a special, but destructive race to be preserved, humans live largely unknowing of the extra-terrestrials brethren on .... Total achievements: 102. You must be logged in to compare these stats to your own. 84.5%. One Small Step. Colonize your first planet. 81.0%. In a Hurry.. Descent to inner earth the temple a reptilian alien movie - mobi google for Mobile buckshee book at Then Reptilians genetically-engineer a new species that is designed to be “tuned​” into their false reality – their “Matrix” – and the planet is hijacked along with .... Jul 20, 2020 — And this jungle world was indeed a harsh environment to survive in. The experiment started with this ancient reptilian race whom have been .... Oct 2, 2012 — The main original Lyran-Elohim humanoid races were committed to the Law of One and Service to Others krystic ideology. The opposing groups .... Jan 30, 2021 — After eight years of fighting, the war had reached a stalemate; to break it, the Earth Military sent an agent to the Garazone System to retrieve Cyber .... The Sirians have waged war in the past with the Orion Empire or the "Unholy Six" reptilian star systems in the Orion open cluster. The ancient dispute involves .... May 18, 1999 — I'm going to take out my crystal, Barbara Marciniak, trance channeler and.... Most Reptilians say they come from the star Alpha Draconis, in the Draco constellation, others claim to be old Earth dinosaurs dating back millions of years from .... Feb 1, 2021 — One focus is the Orion Wars. We also dive into our monetized debt system and its true origins, the sad fact that a huge chunk of humanity is .... The Draconian Empire, is an intergalactic imperial empire ruled by the Ciakar that has been that regarded as one of the most dangerous and feared .... May 18, 2021 — Then was the time to create a more advanced, intelligent life form, and the first Reptilian race in this Universe was born. Aryan Reptilian male, .... Priscilla is a intuitive lightworker who is passionate about sharing energy healing, reiki and readings both in the Edmonton area and distantly.. 1 day ago — Aridif On The Orion Wars ~Prt 2 ~ The Inner Reptilian ... Reptilians of Earth | Channeled | The Orion Project Pin on Orion 360 Psychosis Draco .... The Creation of Galaxies · The Beginnings of Civilization in Lyra · Galactic Wars: Lyrans as Refugees and Colonizers · Maldek Destroyed · Genesis Events on Earth .... Apr 11, 2018 — If you want to see more ET Whisperer content, come check out our Patreon Portal for exclusive and unseen content go to .... Some of them still do, and even have bases on Earth. Some alien humanoid races also played an important part in the history of Earth and of mankind. As a matter .... This federation sprang up from the post Lyran and Orion wars. These wars were fought between races such as the Lyrans, Draconians, Arcturians, and Alpha- .... Focusing on crucial events in the decade after World War II, he examines the Reptilians' human allies, the Illuminati, who control the levers of financial, .... Jun 5, 2021 — By becoming a patron, you'll instantly unlock access to 663 exclusive posts. 136. Images. 13. Links. 46. Writings. 472. Videos. By becoming a .... Jul 28, 2020 — A Houston physician who praised hydroxychloroquine as a miracle coronavirus cure in a viral video retweeted by President Donald Trump .... Acknowledgments 4 (22) In this series: Books 26 (1) Maximillien de Lafayette From Zeta Reticuli to Earth: Time, Space 27 (1) And the UFO Technology. Their development was found to be Sirian Pleiadian Arcturian Andromedan Lyran & Vegan Orion Feline Avian Reptilian The AI Controller - The Eye Atop The​ .... The brightest star in this constellation is Vega, and Vega is also one of the brightest stars visible from Earth! Being such an ancient civilization, Lyrans are .... Answers go live every other Thursday at pm PT. Take a moment to enjoy the masterpiece above before moving on to read about playtesting, mastery tokens, .... Great Galactic Wars of The Lyran Races and Reptilians . The Orion Black League was the resistance to the evil domination of the Orion Group reptilian empire, .... Lyran Wars The main battles in human Galactic history were fought in the constellation of Orion, and so these many wars are also referred to as the Orion Wars.. One big reason is censorship — from without and within. The United States government is said to have been founded on free speech and freedom of expression.. The Lizard Folk trope as used in popular culture. Almost every Standard Fantasy Setting with the Standard Fantasy Races is bound to to have one group of …. Vega. A Galactic Human Journey. When the Pleiadians heard about the. Orion Wars and the plight of Lyran descendants they felt the urge to help. 1. Centauri.. Orion Wars. Soon a revolution ... Draconian Reptilians soon began to look for a new source of energy consumption and came across our planet Earth. Here they​ .... Apr 11, 2021 — The Greys only came much later. After the Draconian Reptilians had attacked the Lyran home worlds, the Lyrans in the Orion colonies retaliated .... Dec 28, 2016 — - My memories of Mintaka and the Orion wars ... There was a surprise attack on the planet from the reptilians. They didn't have .... Oct 31, 2013 — As 12 million Americans "know," the United States government is run by lizard people (or, to be scientifically accurate, reptilians). But they never .... 21 hours ago — A man who knew Christmas bomber Anthony Warner got a disturbing surprise in his mailbox on New Year's Day when he ... 6 months ago.. I have come to know that there are two distinctly different races from Orion. One of them is a. Reptilian race from the Rigel star system, but they are not the "Lizards"​ .... A man who knew Christmas bomber Anthony Warner got a disturbing surprise in his mailbox on New Year's Day when he ... 5 months ago. 65,717 views .... Jul 20, 2012 — The conquest continued, and the Orion Empire expanded without much resistance. However, with time other star races in the Galaxy had .... The reptilians are the creators of the gray aliens.” A Brief Introduction to Alien Races 3. Connection to the Greys? If the Reptilian Elite, New World Order conspiracy .... In ancient times the earth was populated by a race of Nordic- like humans, and also a genetically engineered conglomerate race with a reptilian DNA base.. Sidney Santos Das Neves is the author of Depression, Panic Syndrome and Suicide (3.00 avg rating, 1 rating, 0 reviews), The New World Order (0.0 avg rati.... Jan 2, 2018 — On the other side, we have beings like the Pleiadians, the Andromedans, the Sphere Beings, the Blue Avians (aka Ra), and individuals like Thoth .... May 12, 2013 — Art throughout the centuries has depicted the struggle between the Dragons and the Angels. For dragons read Reptilians and their allies, .... Feb 27, 2021 — The Greys only came much later. After the Draconian Reptilians had attacked the Lyran home worlds, the Lyrans in the Orion colonies retaliated .... Nov 14, 2020 — Mankind is not the only intelligent species in this galaxy, and neither are we the only humanoid civilisation. Even within our immediate galactic .... The Gorn are a fictional extraterrestrial humanoid reptilian species in the American science fiction franchise Star Trek. They first appeared in a 1967 episode of .... Feb 24, 2021 — However, what is important for us humans is which star races, directly or indirectly, interfere with human evolution, how they do it, and whom they .... Mar 14, 2012 — The most important humanoid civilisations can be found in the star systems of Lyra, Vega, Sirius, Orion, the Pleiades, and Andromeda. Lyra is the .... Feb 10, 2016 — Being one of the most popular hostile aliens specie archetypes that often play the enemy to humanity as allowed the science fiction Reptilian .... Right now, on your world, as you witness people going to extremes, feeling very polarized against another side, you are replaying Atlantis, and you are replaying​ .... The Pleiadians discovered a small system of sun with planet Earth on one of their exploration mission. They found three groups of uncivilized people living on .... The main battles in human Galactic history were fought in the constellation of Orion, and so these many wars are referred to as the Orion Wars. In our Universal​ .... 2 days ago — A man who knew Christmas bomber Anthony Warner got a disturbing surprise in his mailbox on New Year's Day when he ... 6 months ago.. Apr 9, 2021 — After the Draconian Reptilians had attacked the Lyran home worlds, the Lyrans in the Orion colonies retaliated by attacking Reptilian colonies in .... Feb 25, 2017 — Chronicling the history of the Reptilian Empire's influence on Earth and their conquest of 21 star systems, Kasten reveals how the human race is .... WHO ARE THE DRACONIANS? Case Files of Branton Many so-called UFO "​abductees", especially in recent decades, have described encounters with .... Feb 19, 2004 — Fifty years ago tomorrow -- on Feb. 20, 1954 -- President Dwight Eisenhower interrupted his vacation in Palm Springs, Calif., to make a secret .... May 2, 2021 — The opposing groups were mixtures of Patriarchal Melchizedek humanoids and reptilian races that propagated Service to Self and anti-christ .... Dec 2, 2012 — The Lyrans are a race of humanoids that have been in existence long before the history of Earth began. We come from many planets associated .... Why were ancient civilizations around the world so focused on the Orion constellation? While scientists site many earthly connections, researchers suggest this .. The ET's from Andromeda are the descendent's of the Lyrans and the Lyrans experienced many difficulty leaving the lyran system due to other ET races, however .... First, I have to say congratulations to Courtney Brown and his team at Farsight for such an amazingly creative way to present their remote viewing work. Clearly .... Oct 3, 2012 — TOLEC INTERVIEW . . UFO War In The Pacific–Breaking News! . . JOHN KETTLER WRITES . John Kettler is in a unique .... Jun 10, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Poe Moe. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest.. The airy settlement that we explored had been built by the Anasazi, a civilization that arose as early as 1500 B.C. Their descendants are today's Pueblo Indians, .... Jul 29, 2020 — A Houston physician who praised hydroxychloroquine as a miracle coronavirus cure in a viral video retweeted by President Donald Trump .... The galactic wars, known as the Orion Wars are, in many ways, an extension of ... by Reptilian, and other cruel beings, (as mentioned in the previous chapters), .... Sep 19, 2017 — 19 September 2017 Astrology, by that I mean the ancient most powerful branch, has always been the highest science (science means .... The Repilitan race is often referred to as Reptoids, Lizzies, Dracos, Orions, Archons, Shapeshifters, etc. There are both good and bad Reptilians in the universe, .... Sounds like novel or movie stories to me. Maybe people here have come acorss novels or movies with an Orion war theme or internet pages with .... They are taught the Draconian version of the history of the 'Great Galactic War', which teaches that humans are at fault for invading the universe, and that .... Long ago, thousands of Earth years ago, there lived an ancient people of the great Solar Isle of Sirius A. On this huge isle, the higher castes always had a very​ .... Items 1 - 10 — The Userform we are going to create looks as follows:. Open the Visual Basic Editor. Orion wars reptilians .... Nov 8, 2019 — Pleiadians offered them grains and fruit and asked them to stop eating meat. Some Reptilians moved into the seas and eat fish, but others stayed .... [Verse] What was the oldest war. In the universe? Eons ago, there was a planet called Bila Reptilians came from Alpha Draconis And saw how rich it was. GALACTIC HISTORY [] Manuel Lamiroy gives us the most likely migrations of our ancestors' ancestors, the Anunnaki from Nibiru. He.... Aug 9, 2020 — Galactic War The intergalactic Orion Wars started off as a war between two parties. They were the Empire on one side, and the armies of Light .... The hot, gaseous environment suited their reptilian natures. Mar 24, 2014 · Sirian Hybrids – Star Family of the Humble Tigers. B- are Sirian / Draco hybrids or Cat .... The official podcast for. Rumors of Instinct now Beyond Top Secret Texan Instagram @beyondtopsecrettexan. Michael Anthony Villegas Specializing in Secret .... Listen to this episode from Ivan Teller on Spotify. The Orion Conspiracy: Based on a True Reptilian Agenda Story - Kindle edition by Woronicz, Charles, Lott, Joey. Download it once and read it on your Kindle .... Apr 8, 2020 — The first Angels made by Godare the crystal-ethereal forms of the 12 Ancient Gods races and they were made out of pure psychic energy. The ... 3a5286bf2b 13

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